
Pour ma chère

Pour ma chère (For my dear)

You've been a sweetheart, right from the start
Naughty and nice, baka and wise.
I hope the day won't come when
Seeing you online wouldn't be a pleasant surprise.

To rope in amusing words
And describe you, I don't dare.
But I think you're just the thing for me
Simply for the same pinches we share

I fell for your half smile
Your romantic charm
Cute haww! and sweet voice
And your reliable calm

"Submit unto my stubbornness, or
Prepare thyself for a war!"
Fights with you, I've loved yet hated
Scolding you I've always regretted

I dream of a world, devoid of labels,
In which you and I can play
An endless game of thumb-fight 
While in my arms you lay

"I'll love you the same forever," 
And similar shit they say
I won't lie; into my life may fly 
Another fay.
But, I promise in my heart
You shall stay
And always shine uniquely
As the polestar may



[Shipwreck - that's the prompt I was given, a word to be included in the poem. Here's what came to my mind.]


And her silent face was in my hand,
The destined moments?
Moments you simply cannot accept
As sheer coincidence.

Like a thief stumbling upon Arkenstone
In a dragon's vault.
Like a drunkard eyeing a barrel
In an elvish shipwreck.

Because these moments
You never dreamt of.
Because these moments
Won't come again.

Or will they?


My little crush story

[On an insomniac night, between 6am and 7am, I decided to write a poem for my crush of the past (and present?). I even posted it on one of those confessions pages. It has quite a few clues here and there regarding her identity and several other things -- a few friends have deciphered the truth. Don't bother about the clues, though. Just enjoy the poem. :)]

A week into Autumn, the Stork took the First Train to your home.
He flew, precisely, a wonder times a wonder
No. of days more before he dropped me,
My town being 510 miles asunder

In IIT, you're a Friend,
Yet not a friend;
But of many friends,
You're a good friend.

Voldemort himself introduced us, remember?
A recent leap-and-hug day, it was.
He whispered to me, "Isn't she your crush, boy,
Ever since that wretched EE course? Don't lie!"

Our meetings very few,
And chats have been curt.
I'm kind-of afraid to approach
Lest my sharp tongue give you hurt.

Your delicate frame, I hope,
Enshrines an innocent Hindustan ka Dil!
Which I'd like to know and connect to; Alas!
Even as I leave, our disjoint lives play ill.

Often, in front of the Sun, I sip
The the grape-like chemical when I'm beat.
As my eyes use heuristics
To discover your seat.

A letter to my grown up self

[People write letters to their past self in an attempt to be more cautious and productive, to tell them to avoid certain mistakes. I'm writing a letter to my future self -- a justification for being a bum -- so that he may not put such crap to me.]

I wish to tell you, Mr. Saheel,
Before you call me names
What made me, your youth,
Available for your blames.

Desires galore yet I am
Humbled by sloth
I want you not to pity
"Your efforts were froth!"

I'll give no excuses
For time I lost
But lessons of life
Come at great cost

Games to play
And groups to spam
Books to read
And oh! Animes! Damn!

"Inconsequential drags, they are.
Don't you understand?!"
But they helped you reach the place
Where now you proudly stand.

I am not so perfect, Sir,
To grasp without mistakes
The wisdom that you flaunt
Came after several retakes

So let me flirt
Laugh less, more cry
So let me sin
Learn less, more try

Because once I'm you
There won't be time
And the immaturity
To commit crime


A visit to Tirupati

At the end of about 20 hours outside our dear (deer?) campus we, Flashing, Gajju, Surya, and I, hadn't run a marathon, or cycled tens of kilometres, or played hours of football, which we anyway don't. But still, we were dead tired -- our knee joints chirping, minds reeling, heels squealing. All we did was eat, sleep, sing, and stand. Yes, we stood. A lot. And while we stood we ate, slept, and sang.


Maa and her Bingoman!

[Doorbell rings. Kamala, an elderly woman sitting in the living room, keeps down the newspaper and troubles herself to the door. She opens it to find her 25-something grandson Sunny standing in front of her. Without saying a word, she kisses his forehead.]


You never arrive

[Following poem was written in just 10 minutes. Yay! :D  
 Prompt was the title itself.]

You never arrive

Fish on the table
Just the way you like it
I eat now to remain alive
But you never arrive

Beer in my hand
Clean water in the pool
Alone I hate to dive
But you never arrive

Weeds I just uprooted
Ron playing in the lawn
You loved to water the soil
But you never arrive

Files on the desk form a heap
Reminding of promises I have to keep
I try to find a meaning to survive
But you never arrive

Tears in my eyes back then
"Don't go to the war, John!" I had cried
Rest assure my hope won't die
But you never arrive


As a prey

[Our first attempt at Kasen writing (collaborative poetry) as part of Creative Writing course. Collaborators: Sachin and a third guy (whose name I forgot to ask). 1st stanza is the given prompt (aka hokku). The poem flows in alternating 3-line and 2-line stanzas; we took turns to write them. Everything was done in less than 45 minutes. So, yes, it's a rushed up piece of work with hardly any rhyme or meter. But it was so much fun! Each of us picking up where the other collaborator had left and trying our best to move the story forward. I think we did a good job. :D Collaborative poetry can be _very_ random (each poet writing about totally different stuff, and then piecing it together) but we took Ma'am's suggestion to write with a theme in mind. Enjoy and comment!]

As a prey

Curving up, then down
Meeting blue sky and green earth
Melding sun and rain

Below it, he crawls ahead
Slow, with care, no sound is made


Visions of a lonely mind

"... in fiction, the author can really tell the truth without humiliating himself." -- Jim Rohn.

"I need to talk to you. Alone." I said, trying to look as determined as possible and without losing eye contact.
"Now?! Class is about to start! Also, she doesn't want to talk to you." Her friend retorted.
"Please..." I reiterated, ignoring her friend, maintaining eye contact all throughout. Reluctantly, silently, her lizard eyes heeded. She had to! After all, she wanted to talk to me too. She did, right?