

Sigh. I want to blog, I really do. No, time is not the problem. I have enough of it. Just the right motivation after an appropriate stimulation -- yes, that will help. So, in an attempt to restart my blogging career, I am publishing this poem that I wrote a couple of weeks back
-- they are just words given to my thoughts while, on a fine morning, I was brushing my teeth, shaving, shitting, and taking bath (one stanza during each activity). I wonder if that's what inspiration means !! So, here goes:


Couple of things I ponder
Why does the sky thunder?
Is it covered by pain and sorrow
Or, just mocking at my blunder?

Couple of things I miss
Where did my childhood go?
Whence eat good bread and play galli cricket
And watch the Flintstones roll.

Couple of things I wonder
Does my work do any good?
Does it make my loved ones happy?
Does it give the poor some food?

Couple of things I want
A clean slate and wings to fly.
But since Time is not my plaything,
Better be late than cry.

I hope this post serves as a new beginning and not another dead end.

PS: With web fonts, the page looks much cooler.

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