
My Dumb Lappy, lots of Comics & New Car for Dad

    Well, this is quite fast... Its been a few seconds since I have published my previous post and I am onto a new one already ! First about my laptop...

    Today I noticed that whenever I quickly scroll through any web-page, the CPU usage of my laptop stays at around 80 to 90%. That just shows how old and slow this bitch is... sob sob... But it works perfectly fine although I can't quite run compiz on it and then there's that problem of overheating (I have never seen anyone's comp become that hot) and also often it just switches off -- dies off, if you wish, doesn't respond whatever you do -- and you have to patiently wait for about 20 minutes before you can resume your work !! Umm, actually the speakers are also screwed up... hehe...

     Enough ! Whenever I am in a bad mood, I turn to comics, my favorite being Calvin and Hobbes (I bet you guessed that), Garfield, FoxTrot, Wizard of ID, B.C., Animal Crackers, Cul de Sac, Beau Peep and of course, Dilbert. They are funny and witty creations, sprouting from imaginations of truly jobless people (Ouch)... work of art nonetheless ! Here are links to some of the more recent ones I read.
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Calvin and Hobbes:
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     Lastly comes the news that as happens every 3 to 4 years, my Dad is buying a new car and has already sold his Verna lest anyone tries to change his mind \m/ !! He is mostly going to buy Ford Fiesta, a modest-mileage C-class car since he has to travel a lot, so nothing fancy here. My mother is as usual unhappy -- what was the need for a new car, I ask? Verna was working just fine!! And when I ask for new jewelery, you don't have money !! -- I think that's exactly why without telling anyone my Dad first sells his old car and then announces that he is gonna buy a new one !!

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