
Flash and other things Firefox

Firefox Firefox
Good ol' Firefox!
Flashing its awesomeness
Open Source, out of the box!

Tons of add-ons; take your pick
Slisha slow? Don't be a prick
Of features, there is no dearth
Caring for users since it's birth

This post is mainly about installing Flash for Firefox on a Linux-based machine (especially when you don't have admin privileges) and a few other things personal to my Firefox experience. Usually, in these kind of posts, we first have to write how to go about installing the concerned software. But there is no such thing as "installing" Firefox anyway -- Download. Extract. Browse! :P :D

I am sure there are several posts out there which explain the same. The heck with them!


Precious taste buds


I have a habit of having a heavy brunch  -- breakfast plus lunch, literally -- whenever I feel hungry at around 10am, the mess is closed, I am not in the comforts of my room, and when I know I am too lazy to come back to the mess from wherever I would be after filling my tummy. But brunchinner... that's on a completely different level! Fine, I am exaggerating.

    That day, all the gods, the old and the new, the sheep god, the light god, the horse god, all of them decided to torture me in the 4th level of library (which sounds like the 4th level of hell... I know, right?). First my earphones ditched me. Then my nakama deserted me. Heck, even my nokia embraced martyrdom! How do I know that the gods had conspired against me, you ask? Well, the dark omens were pellucid right from the moment I placed my order at Tifanys.